Three Days at Camp David: The Secret Meeting That Transformed the Global Economy
Capital Group, Capital Ideas Podcast | August 27, 2021
Apple podcast
The Secret Meeting that Transformed the World Economy | August 16, 2021
Apple podcast
Spotify podcast
Podcast: Jeffrey Garten on the President Nixon’s Transformation of the Global Monetary System
August 15, 2021
Author Talks: Jeffrey E. Garten on the meeting that transformed the global economy
Susan Lund | July 29, 2021
Philipp Carlsson-Szlezak | July 28, 2021How the ‘Nixon Shock’ Remade the World Economy
Ted O’Callahan | July 13, 2021
Jeff Schechtman | Specific Gravity | July 12, 2021
‘Biden Has a Much Tougher Job Than Nixon Did’
Michael Hirsch | July 7, 2021
David Westin | Balance of Power | July 6, 2021
How the 1971 Meetings Transformed the Global Economy (video segment)
Meeting That Transformed Economic Policy (radio interview)
David Rothkopf | A Rhyme of History | July 1, 2021The Weekend That Changed the World
David Smick | Summer 2021 issue